Posts Tagged ‘Kit McEvoy’

Cash for Kit

Posted: January 31, 2011 by Windsor Zene in Benefits, Previews
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Over the years, many a lonely soul has wandered into a bar with hopes that the man or woman behind the bar will have more to offer than just a quick pour. They may not realize it walking in, but sometimes a bad day at the office or a particularly glum moment can be rescued by the wit of a bartender and the twinkle in their welcoming eyes.

For the better part of the last decade, one man who has made more frowns return back to smiles has been Kit McEvoy, the lovable Scot with a cheeky smile and more anecdotes than the day is long. His charm and wit has won over more hearts than most people have friends on Facebook. To some he is known as “that guy from Tartan Army“, one of Windsor’s longest standing Celtic folk-rock bands. To others, he is perhaps the kindest, funniest bartender this city has had the extreme pleasure of getting a pint from, from his long standing stay behind the wood of the original Kildare House, to his current stints with both The Manchester Pub downtown or at The Mill Tavern on the city’s West side.

Recently, Kit slipped while leaving work. As he was getting into his car one night after work, he slipped on some ice and injured a previously wounded back. He suffered for a day or two before going to the hospital, only to be sent home because the only specialist authorized for a certain kind of shot was not available. When he finally got the shot days later, they injected it into a nerve rather than the muscle, which has caused further pain and suffering to poor Kit. For the past few weeks, he has been unable to work.

In an effort to raise funds for this remarkable gentleman, Bill Sarafianos, owner of The Mill Tavern and longtime friend of Kit’s, has been maintaining a “Cash For Kit” jar on the bar at The Mill. It’s set up with the hope that all the people who have been touched by Kit’s kindness over the years can throw an extra buck or two into the jar to help Kit recover monies lost from his inability to work due to injury.

If you’d like to help out, spin down to The Mill for a pint (or one of their famous Mill Melts!) and while you’re there, throw a Toonie or a $5 in the jar. It would be helping out a man who is probably too humble a man to ask for this but would do twice as much for you if the table was turned.


The Mill is located at 3199 Sandwich St. on the corner of Mill St. and Sandwich St. in Old Sandwich Towne on the west side.